In “Theory U” omschrijft Otto Scharmer fundamentalisme als een gevolg van de kloof tussen de complexiteit van een systeem enerzijds en de capaciteiten van individuen om hiermee om te gaan anderzijds. Straks een volledig citaat. Het verklaart eigenlijk net zozeer het fundamentalisme van IS en soortgelijke groepen als dat van Donald Trump en zijn aanhangers.
The social space of anti-emergence is manifested in a freeze reaction known as fundamentalism. The gap between the complexity that a system faces and the ability to enter the deeper sources and streams of emergence leads to a freeze reaction called fundamentalism, which is characterized by operating from the shadow space of anti-emergence. Three major types of fundamentalism characterize our world today: religious economic, and political.
The fundamentalism of our present age is defined by four key characteristics: not seeing, de-sensing, absencing and destroying:
- Not seeing: rigid adherence to certain beliefs and principles: stuck in one language and one Truth
- Desensing: intolerance of and a lack of empathy for other views: stuck in one center and one collective (us versus them)
- Absencing: a worldview in which the source of problems is exterior, not interior: stuck in one self (the non-reflective and non-evolving self)
- Destroying: violence against those who are seen as associated with what is “evil”: stuck in one will (fanaticism, violence)
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